is a normal part of healthy adult life, but it is seldom discussed openly.
Scientifically valid sources of information on sex are far and few. No wonder
there are a multitude of sexual myths and misconceptions floating around. We
are listing some common sexual myths and facts.
Myth #1: Simultaneous orgasm is a must for a good sex life.
Fact: Most couples do not achieve simultaneous orgasm. If you are
otherwise happy with your sex life there is no cause for concern.
Myth #2: Females also ejaculate
when they have an orgasm.
Fact: Not true. Female orgasm
does not lead to ejaculation.
Myth #3: The stock of semen in
the body is limited. If you waste it by masturbating, you will soon run out of
Fact: No, this is not true
because semen is not stocked but produced in the body throughout a man’s life.
It will continue be produced as long as the reproductive organs are healthy.
Myth #4: Men need or want sex
more often than women.
Fact: Not true. Sexual drive
varies from person to person in both men and women.
Myth #5: Only homosexuals have
anal sex.
Fact: Some heterosexual
couples also have anal sex.
Myth #6: Oral sex is a
Fact: No it is not a
perversion. Oral sex is a matter of choice. If your partner is willing there is
no harm in having oral sex.
Myth #7: Vasectomy makes a man
Fact: Vasectomy makes a man
sterile, which means his semen does not contain sperms any more, but this does
not mean that he is impotent. He can achieve an erection and have sex as he did
earlier. Vasectomy may actually improve his sex life because there is no fear
of unwanted pregnancy.
Myth #8: A man should be able to
achieve an erection whenever he wants to.
Fact: Erection is a response
to sexual arousal. One may not be able to attain it at will because of several
reasons. Unless the inability to attain an erection prevents a man from having
intercourse on multiple occasions it cannot be considered a disorder.
Myth #9: Losing one drop of semen
is equal to losing about 40 drops of blood.
Fact: Whoever told you
this one was probably pulling your leg. Semen is not made of blood.
Losing semen is in no way related to losing blood.
Myth #10: Having sex with a virgin
will cure a man of his venereal disease.
Fact: This is a
dangerous misconception. If a man with a venereal disease has sex with a
virgin, he will only end up passing it on to her. Effective medicines are
available for the treatment of venereal diseases. There is no need to try such
baseless and harmful methods.
Myth #11: Masturbation leads to
psychological problems.
Fact: Masturbation does
not cause any physical or psychological problems. Anxiety and fear caused by
myths about masturbation can cause psychological problems.
Myth #12: Nocturnal orgasms (wet
dreams) occur only in men.
Fact: Women may also experience
nocturnal orgasms.
Myth #13: Wet dreams are a type of
sexual disorder.
Fact: It is normal to
have wet dreams. They do not indicate a sexual disorder.
Myth #14: There is no need to use
a birth-control measure during first intercourse.
Fact: One sexual encounter is
enough for pregnancy to occur. If you do not wish to conceive, it is extremely
important that you use a contraceptive, even for your first intercourse.
Myth #15: A man is not a man if he
cannot have an erection.
Fact: Erection is a just
one of the many aspects of a man’s sexuality. A man with erectile dysfunction
can be absolutely manly in all other ways.
Myth #16: A woman is not a woman
if she cannot have a child.
Fact: Pregnancy and
childbirth are just one of the many aspects of womanhood. Women without
children are just as feminine as those without them.
Myth #17: It is abnormal or
immoral to feel sexually attracted towards more than one person at a time.
Fact: It is common to
feel sexually attracted towards more than one person at a time, particularly if
you are a young, single adult. For those in a committed relationship, restraint
is advisable to avoid relationship problems and risk of sexually transmitted
Myth #18: Too much masturbation
makes the penis shrink in size.
Fact: Not true. No
amount of masturbation will make the penis shrink. An adult male’s penis will
remain the same size throughout his life.
Myth #19: Some special foods and
exercise can increase the size of the penis.
Fact: No food or exercise can
impact penis size. Nutritious food and exercise will improve your overall
health, which can improve your sex life.
Myth #20: Masturbation leads to
psychological problems.
Fact: Masturbation does not
cause any physical or psychological problems. Anxiety and fear caused by myths
about masturbation can cause psychological problems.
Myth #21: Menopause is the end of
a woman’s sex life.
Fact: Women cannot conceive
after menopause but can continue to have a normal sex life.
Myth #22: Sex education leads to
promiscuity in young adults.
Fact: This is certainly not a
scientifically sound opinion. Sex education can help youngsters have safe and
responsible sex. Lack of information from correct channels fuels curiosity and
makes them experiment with sex in the wrong manner.