A. It is a means by which human beings and many of other living species reproduce. It helps in prorogation of species. The process involves depositing male germ cells called sperms in the female sex organ named vagina. The male germ cells combine with the female germ cells called oocytes in the female reproductive tract. This results in pregnancy and eventually the delivery of a baby.
Q. Should teens clarify their curiosities?
A. Yes, definitely. Parents are the best source of information for the kids. A healthy discussion between parents and adolescents can prevent risk behaviour in children. Focus group discussions in peer groups in schools are also very helpful.
Q. What are the markings of puberty?
A. Some of the first changes in females are breast development. A clearly noticeable change is onset of menstruation. In guys it is much less noticeable. A gain in height, muscles, voice changes and gain in testicular size are some of the features.
Q. Is there a great degree of variation?
A. Yes, all these changes are spread over many years from 8 years of age to 18 years.
Q. Why do thoughts of sex come to our mind at this age?
A. Puberty is the result of sex hormones secreted by the body. These hormones bring the maturation of sex organs like the breast, uterus, penis etc. These hormones also act on the brain and cause the beginning of sexual desire which was not happening earlier.
Q. If sex is natural, then why society puts restrictions on it?
A. Sex with many partners is dangerous and it can lead to transmission of diseases like AIDS etc. Moreover, sex can lead to unwanted pregnancies at an age when neither the mind nor the body is mature enough to take care of the new born. Moreover, sex outside or before marriage is not accepted by Indian society. The society has a responsibility to protect, nurture and rear every child. This kind of guarantee can be provided only in a home with both mother and father who can support & guide the child in every way.
Q. Is sex really enjoyable?
A. Yes, sex is enjoyable. However, this is not true at all times and in all cases. It is enjoyable when their is mutual care, respect, trust and the ability to commit to each other. Sex undertaken for excitement may be enjoyable at that particular moment of time but may lead negative consequences. Often time’s adolescent sex occurs between people who are not committed to each other or do not have ability to commit to each other because they are still not adults. In such cases a range of negative consequences have been observed.
1. Guilt
2. Untreated sexual transmitted diseases
3. Unplanned pregnancies
4. Abortions
5. Unwanted babies
6. Partner abuse
Q. What types of happiness does it bring?
A. 1. It brings physical pleasure. 2. At an interpersonal level it is a way of expressing oneness with your partner.
Q. Can oral sex lead to pregnancy?
A. Neither oral sex nor activities like kissing, shaking hands result in pregnancy.
Q. At what age masturbation fairly common? Is masturbation an unhealthy way of sexual gratification?
A. Masturbation & nocturnal emission are fairly common among adolescents. Among females it is less noted. The curiosity starts in early adolescents. Female develops faster, at an early age than boys, desires are there. They talk about boys, start exploring their bodies and start behaving in an adult manner. Masturbation in females is not very common. They are just overwhelmed with the physical changes in the body. On the contrary boys start with wet dreams or nocturnal emission which also may be complemented by masturbation. In boys masturbation & nocturnal emission are a healthy let out for pent up desires.
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