Premature Ejaculation
premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual disorders, perhaps as
common as the common cold. Generally 'climaxing' before one wants to, is
considered as 'premature ejaculation'. This term confuses orgasm with
ejaculation. I prefer the term Early Orgasmic Response wherein an individual
experiences orgasm earlier than his idealized expectation. The premature
ejaculation is defined as "persistent or recurrent ejaculation with
minimal sexual stimulation before, during, or shortly after penetration and
before the person wishes it." The reoccurring question remains. What is
considered to be shortly after penetration? Sexuality and Health state that 75%
of men tested ejaculate within two minutes after vaginal entry. Does this mean
that 75% of the men tested are premature ejaculators? Premature Ejaculation
cannot be determined in time frame nor by a partner’s dissatisfaction,
considering that 75% of all women are unable to climax during sexual
intercourse without direct clitoral stimulation, leaving only 25% capable of
climaxing strictly from direct penile penetration.
v Ejaculation that always or nearly always occurs within one
minute or less of vaginal penetration
v The inability to delay ejaculation on all or nearly all vaginal
v Negative personal consequences, such as distress, frustration or
the avoidance of sexual intimacy.
v Symptoms of secondary premature ejaculation.
Causes of premature ejaculation
causes may be primary, wherein the disorder exists from the beginning or
secondary wherein it occurs subsequent to a prior normal function. The causes
are situational or constitutional. Situational causes (usually primary) are
Anxiety, Sexual inexperience, Deterioration of relationship, Prolonged
abstinence, Victimization by partner, Unrealistic expectations from
self/partner. Where as constitutional cause (usually secondary) are Diabetes
mellitus, Neurological disorders & Genito-urinary pathology. Some cases of
premature ejaculation are more severe, bringing the man to orgasm as soon as
his penis makes vaginal contact. In less severe cases the man is able to make
vaginal entry and stroke, but unable to maintain control in high levels of
arousal. The voluntary ejaculator can sustain sexual intercourse in the
"plateau" stage of arousal, maximizing sexual stimulation as the
penis is at its most erect state before climax.
techniques have been used to delay orgasm. The method commonly used by many
includes mental arithmetic, local anaesthetic ointment, wearing a disposable
tissue and condom around the penis to decrease sensitivity, yogic exercises and
oral medicine. Out of all these option only oral medicine is the only very
effective way to handle premature ejaculation problem.
causes like performance anxiety, stress, and depression.
¬ Erectile dysfunctions.
¬ Anxiety.
¬ Relationship problems.
¬ Certain medications like antidepressants and psychotropics.
Biological causes like
Ø Abnormal hormone levels
Ø Abnormal levels of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters
Ø Abnormal reflex activity of the ejaculatory system
Ø Certain thyroid problems
Ø Inflammation and infection of the prostate or urethra
Ø Inherited traits.
Complications of premature ejaculation:
¬ Relationship strains or relationship stress: This is the common
¬ Fertility issues.
Sexual Therapy
v Usually requires weeks of hourly sessions in attempt to
determine causes and establish a keener sense of premonitory sensations.
Topical ointment
v Local anesthetic ointment used to reduce sensitivity in the
highly sensitive areas of the organ. Usually applied 10 to 15 minutes prior to
sexual contact. A Topical can be presented in a variety of ways, from an
all-natural liquid roll on to spray on solutions. Researchers report side
effects, typically "some degree of numbness of the penis." Another
downside was that the men were required to put on a condom before sex to ensure
that the topical ointment does not affect partner. The cream's effectiveness may
diminish over time.
Sexual Position
v The female superior position often helps delay the premature
Yogic Exercises
v The Vajroli Mudra and the Ashwini Mudra could be of help in the
treatment of premature ejaculation. These yogic exercises strengthen the
anterior and posterior part of the pubococcygeus muscles respectively. Such
exercises when done ten times, every morning and evening for six to eight weeks
often give adequate control over the orgasmic reflex. Sometimes, practice of
contracting the anterior part of the pubococcygeus muscle just prior to
orgasmic (ejaculatory) inevitability during coitus helps to delay the orgasm
Start-stop method
v Technique involves masturbatory stimulation of the penis till
the sensation of heightened arousal is met but prior to the onset of the
ejaculatory reflex.
v The stimulation is then withheld until the sensation resolves.
This is repeated until the man reaches a point that extra vaginal stimulation
occurs without ever reaching the sensation of inevitability.
v In this method, the man learns to recognize the stage after
which he cannot control
v Ejaculation. The treatment method trains the person to remove
the stimulus just before
v That stage is reached so that the urge to ejaculate is controlled.
For example, when during masturbation, the man reaches a point just before
ejaculating; he stops the stimulus until he starts losing the erection. Once
the stage is past, he can resume the activity. This process is repeated again
and again until the individual is able to delay ejaculation till the time he
wishes. This method called the 'Masters and Johnson method’ is most effective
when the help of the partner is sought during actual intercourse.
Oral Medicine
or enhance their sexual functions. Erect Plus delivers the essential building
blocks to the body necessary for optimal sexual performance. Also the exotic
blend of herb is used as an aphrodisiac to excite sexual organs and improve
libido function. The problem of premature ejaculation may disappear after
treatment of three months.
Homeopathy medicines works well for Premature Ejaculation
More details Please contact,
Whom to contact for Premature Ejaculation Treatment
Kumar Treats many cases of Premature Ejaculation In his medical professional experience with
successful results. Many patients get relief after taking treatment from
Dr.Senthil Kumar. Dr.Senthil Kumar visits Chennai at Vivekanantha
Homeopathy Clinic, Velachery, Chennai 42. To get appointment please call
9786901830, +91 94430 54168 or mail to,
more details & Consultation Feel free to contact us.
Vivekanantha Clinic Consultation Champers
Chennai:- 9786901830
Panruti:- 9443054168
Pondicherry:- 9865212055 (Camp)
For appointment please Call us or Mail Us
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date and day - Place of appointment (Eg: Rajini – 30 - 99xxxxxxx0 – Premature
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