Dryness of vagina during intercourse
various causes of dryness of vagina during sexual intercourse are as follows:
of enjoyment during intercourse, Dryness of vagina during coitus is also called
female sexual excitation & arousal disorder; it is characterized by minimal
vaginal lubrication or no lubrication ET all during sexual excitation along
with absence of feeling of excitation. Those women complained of lack of sexual
arousal so that they get very little lubrication & vagina does not relax so
that sexual intercourse is painful.
Causes of Dryness of vagina during coitus
- Hormones
- Ovarian
- Hypothyroidisms
- Untreated
endocrinopathies & Diabetics
- Glucorticoids
excess, Cushings disease, Addisons disease
- Excess
asthenia i.e. chronic asthenia is an also a significant cause of low
sexual excitation & arousal.
- Chronic
vulvo-vaginitis and chronic urethritis.
- Addiction
as chronic alcoholism, chronic smoker, heroin or cannabis use.
- Drugs:
Sedative: Narcotics, tranquillizers, amphetamine, cocaine, many
Antidepressants, and anti-psychotics, Anti -hypertensives, many other
- Psychiatric
disorder as depression, neurosis, & many other psychiatric disorders.
- Any
kind of sexual dysfunction in man leading to non-enjoyment of sexual act
by female may lead to absent arousal & excitement.
- Any
cause of painful sexual intercourse (as due to vaginismus or dyspaerunia)
will also lead to secondary loss of excitation in women whether married or
- Decreased
blood supply to vagina due to various medical conditions can lead to
diminish vaginal lubrication, pain during intercourse
- Infections:
in genital tract or vulvae vestibule, vulvo-vaginitis
- Less
lubrication due to various reasons as hormone deficiency
- Connective
tissue diseases leading to dryness
- Psychological
problems: as depression & other psychiatry disorders
- Sicca
- Idiopathic
- Any
ulcerative lesions of vagina as chronic lichen planus, herpese genitals,
Pemphigus vulgaris of vagina
- Decreased
blood supply to vagina due to various medical conditions can lead to
diminish vaginal lubrication, pain during intercourse
- Vulvar
- Restrictive
upbringing, Inadequate sexual information, early insecurity in
psychosexual role,
- Obstructive
vaginal lesions: Vaginal stenosis, vaginal scarring, post surgical
problems, retroverted uterus, organic diseases of uterus, endometriosis,
adenomyosis, tubes or ovaries, chronic pelvic inflammatory diseases,
urethral diverticulum
- Idiopathic
Disorders of sex centre: In the brain there is a particular center in the hippocampus
part of fore brain, which regulates the desire of sex. Sex center has some
well-defined portion, which control different component of normal sexuality
These are as follows as one part of sex center controls sexual desire other
parts controls excitation i.e. lubrication in response to sexual excitation,
time taken in orgasm & enjoyment of sexual act including enjoyment of
orgasm. So any disorder of sex center due to various causes can lead to dryness
of vagina during intercourse
First step in proper treatment of low sex desire is accurate
diagnosis of cause of her dryness of vagina during sex. So we first try to find
out cause. We take detailed history, thorough sex counselling.
For diagnosis of cause of dryness of vagina, detailed case
history is taken. Along with we suggest some lab investigations
Detailed Sex Counselling: sex counsellors meet with respective
patient, talking in detail resulting in detection of cause leading to dryness
of vagina.
Once the diagnosis of dryness of vagina is confirmed after detailed history,
examination, relevant investigations, we start the treatment. It involves
giving the sex therapy session, which is focused on eliminating the anxiety
& spectatoring for dryness of vagina..
Treatment options
1) Sex Therapy:- Sex therapy
begins with detail sex education about the anatomy of male & female
genitals. Then we give the patients specific exercises, which, the couple has
to do at their home. After every exercise session lady becomes more confident
in her ability to avoid dryness of vagina. With these exercises along with
behavioural therapy, hypnotherapy, & couple's therapy leads to cure in
approximately two months. Certain pelvic exercises also help to avoid dryness
of vagina.
Medicines – Symptomatic Homeopathy
medicines works well for this problems,
Whom to contact for Dyspareunia Treatment
Dr.Senthil Kumar Treats many cases of Dyspareunia, In his
medical professional experience with successful results. Many patients get
relief after taking treatment from Dr.Senthil Kumar. Dr.Senthil Kumar
visits Chennai at Vivekanantha Homeopathy Clinic, Velachery, Chennai 42. To get
appointment please call 9786901830, +91 94430 54168 or mail to consult.ur.dr@gmail.com,
For more details & Consultation Feel free to contact us.
Vivekanantha Clinic Consultation Champers at
9865212055 (Camp)
Mail : consult.ur.dr@gmail.com, homoeokumar@gmail.com
For appointment please Call us or Mail Us
For appointment: SMS your
Name -Age – Mobile Number - Problem in Single word - date and day - Place of
appointment (Eg: Rajini – 30 - 99xxxxxxx0 – Dyspareunia – 21st
Oct, Sunday - Chennai ), You will receive Appointment details through SMS